Key Positions Absent at Target

Sometimes you just have to wonder, “What were they thinking?” In today’s Wall Street Journal article, “Executive at Target Resigns After Data Breach,” author Paul Ziobro writes that one top-level official is resigning after the recent massive data breach at Target.  This doesn’t come as a surprise, as one would expect fallout due to Target’s…

Lack of Medical Equipment Monitoring Lets Cybercriminals Play Doctor

Nothing is off limits these days. Cybercriminals target nearly every aspect of our lives. Of course, one sort of expects big banks, retailers and the government to have large red circles around their firewalls, routers and servers; as many attackers do claim to be “ anti-establishment.” Recently however, we’ve learned of a new target. In…

SignaCert Heads to RSA

Toney, JT and Charisse will all be on hand at RSA February 25th - 27th. Join them for a chat on automated, continuous compliance verification and monitoring. Or just join them for a beer. The AnswerTeam will have their contact information and location during the show. Email the AnswerTeam and we’ll make sure you connect.