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The pressure on financial services has never been higher. Globalization, automated trading, computationally intensive analytics, and increased data management regulations all keep IT departments on their toes.

As Wall Street seeks new ways to measure and predict risk, IT departments must continually improve their ability to address risks within their IT systems. Given the immense volume of transactions that take place on a daily basis, operational risks—such as security breaches and downtime—can be far more costly than market risks.

On the flip side, organizations that can couple agility with security, accountability with reliability are positioned to realize unprecedented profits.

As you move to adopt high-performance computing (HPC), virtualization, and other technologies, the need for—and benefits of—absolute confidence in your IT systems will only increase. Today's solutions cannot keep pace with the rapidly changing industry for the simple reason that they do not address the question: How do I know that my systems are deployed the way I think they are deployed?

The SignaCert Solution—Start Good. Stay Good.

SignaCert presents a new approach: Use 100% visibility and measurement against a known and trusted reference to prevent problems before they happen...

Most IT departments dangerously assume that what has been deployed on an IT device is what is still loaded and running today. With complex applications spread across multiple servers and devices, supported by extensive production release processes, and run by groups of people in different time zones with very little to visibility into changes—this is almost never the case.

Authorized users download unauthorized application upgrades. Unauthorized users install unauthorized but seemingly harmless applications. Logs indicate successful patch deployment, but not every file made it to every machine. Slowly but surely the system drifts, leading to instability, degraded performance, and downtime.

This IT blind spot is the real source of most common enterprise security and system management issues. SignaCert's Enterprise Trust Server (ETS) eliminates the IT blind spot by providing a simple, scalable, and non-invasive way to not only know exactly what's on every system, but to compare it to an authentic database of manufacturer file signatures and the local gold-image.As a result, you can easily prove that systems are deployed as intended, quickly diagnose problems, and shift resources to take on more strategic projects.

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