Tripwire Alternative

If you have, or are considering Tripwire for compliance automation, you need to STOP and look at SignaCert Integrity!

Did you know that the original genius behind SignaCert was a co-founder of Tripwire?  Did you know that he built SignaCert to solve the problems that he saw with his first compliance baby?  It is all true. SignaCert Integrity was built to be better, faster, more intuitive and actionable than Tripwire. And now it is more affordable too!

Unless you have piles of cash and an infinite amount of time to review hundreds of alerts and do frequent manual audits, you really do owe it to yourself to talk to SignaCert about Integrity, the only whitelist-driven compliance and system integrity monitoring solution.  We can make such strong statements because Integrity is quite simply far more actionable and affordable.

If you want to talk bits and bytes, we are more than happy to do so.  But let’s start here with how Integrity and Tripwire compare on major benefits. Integrity is the clear winner.

What Both Solutions Deliver:

      • Automated Compliance Reporting
      • Change Detection (e.g., File Integrity Monitoring)

What Only Integrity Delivers:

      • Application Views & Intelligence (not just files)
      • Assurances That Systems Are “Correct” (not just that something changed)
      • Easily Extensible to Cover Custom Policies
      • Affordable, Subscription Pricing

These benefits all roll up to the most affordable way to be continuously compliant-not just compliant once a year at audit time.

Want to learn more?  Read our brief titled “The Value of SignaCert Integrity“. It is 5 minutes that will change your view on compliance, and why system integrity is so much more valuable/useful than traditional change management solutions like Tripwire.