
Content Partners

The SignaCert Content Partner Program is designed to allow Independent Software Vendors (ISV's) to participate in the growing momentum around whitelist methods, helping to ensure a broadly trusted IT ecosystem for improving information security, compliance and configuration control. Participation in this program allows vendors to submit content for inclusion into SignaCert's Global Trust Repository (GTR) whitelist database.

The Programs listed below are available to enable turnkey participation in the SignaCert Global Trust Repository whitelist ecosystem including professional services and hardware/software tools. Included in all SignaCert Harvest Partner offerings is a license for early access to the Data Exchange Format (DEF), which was jointly developed by Microsoft and SignaCert, and will be made available later this year to the broader market as the de-facto standard whitelist exchange schema.

  • Base Harvest Program
    Provides entry-level documentation of whitelist method and data exchange formats in order to understand the schema and base harvesting methods.
  • Mid-size ISV/OEM Support Program
    Provides software tools and support to enable automated harvesting of whitelist content from a wide variety of software and package types including both Window and non-Windows software. Professional services support is included in the standard pricing.
  • Large ISV/OEM Support Programs
    Includes hardware and software tools enabling fast and efficient harvest integration intended to directly interface into existing ISV build/release processes.

Contact SignaCert today to join the growing list of content partners which are actively engaged in building this critical trust ecosystem.

Software whitelisting is becoming strategic for protecting compute devices. Who builds and maintains the list is one of the more significant issues. Since ISVs are the source of much of the software (including the OS foundation), it makes sense to have the worldwide ISV community contribute, in a standard way, to a whitelist that has the broadest adoption and impact versus the complexity involved in building or contributing to proprietary databases.
— Neil MacDonald, VP and Gartner Fellow